I HAD to post about these boots. HAD to. Really. My pea green unlovely rubber farm boots sprung a leak last Spring. Curses. In CNY Spring and Fall are the mud season. Rubber boots are a necessity. I kid you not.
I have not thrown out my leaky boots but I did need a watertight alternative. Can you imagine my surprise when I received these kickin’ boots for my birthday from Farmboy and the kiddos. LOVE THEM. Because after all, cowboy boots NEVER go out of style. I can be having a bad hair day, don’t want to get out of bed day but put on some cowboy boots and put on a little attitude. Seriously.
Sometimes I need to wear a bit of attitude out to the garden. Something to remind me and the plants of who is in charge. Rubber gardening cowboy boots = in control. Fuzzy slippers and pajamas = not so much in charge. Wellies… politely in charge and plants will be deadheaded if they speak otherwise.
Are you in need of a boot pick me up… in the barn, in the garden, walking down the street? These little darlings will suit your fancy. And no, I have not been asked to do a review. I just like mine and thought you needed to know. They are available at www.signals.com. Giddy Up!
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Wow! Those are cool! I love paisley–I mosaiced a bowling ball for my front yard in green paisley!
By Margaret Almon on 10.16.10 7:21 pm | Permalink
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