
Just ordered Spring Bulbs!

menton Tulipa batalinii Apricot Jewel

As if there is not enough going on these days I just ordered 100 bulbs that should arrive this week. I’ve been putting it off for 3 years now. The decisions…the catalogs…the colors….the varieties…its overwhelming. How can you commit? Is there a therapy group for troubled bulb orderers?

The following varieties are what I ordered from John Scheepers:

Menton Tulips- Late Single (good performer in my garden) shown upper left.

Orienpet- Garden Pleasure (new for me)

Species Tulip- Apricot Jewel (I’ve never tried the Species Tulips before) shown upper right.

My order does not include the additional 2 gigantic bags of daffodils that need planting as well. Hopefully I can talk up planting out in the cold wind enough to make the kids plead to help. I know I can count on LaLa (my daughter) to plop them in the holes for me. Its just the digging part that seems so cumbersome! If only I could train our Yellow Lab Gracie to dig on command where I wanted her to… wishful thinking. I will have to hide her from the whole process. If she sees where I’m digging/planting she will go behind me and “retrieve” my bulbs right out of the ground. I have to be stealthy in my gardening these days.

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Hi, I’m Michelle. I am an artist/designer specializing in unique topiary themed art for the Home & Gardener. I live on a farm in Upstate New York with my husband, two children and a small petting zoo of other family members. #shapeyoursweetestlife



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PA Convention Center
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