I have a headache. A splitting headache. I have been trying to follow the directions enclosed in a Monkey Sock Monkey do-it-yourself box that we purchased at the craft store for La-La and the Bean. Good grief. Do I need a doctorate to make one of these things? Okay, it helps to read the instructions in English. I was a little confused with the Spanish Monkey Sock Monkey instructions. O la. Nonnie aka. Junebug was here to calm the chaos. While I was machine stitching the limbs, Junebug was whip stitching those limbs on those lumpy home-stuffed Monkey Sock monkeys/kitties. These Monkey Socks Monkey’s were NOT made in China… however the kit, socks and instructions probably were. Oh well.
I haven’t sewn in quite a long time. I like to sew. I made my senior prom dress after the woman with coke- bottle eye glasses that we hired to make it put a nice hole in the bodice and couldn’t figure out what the problem was. Eeegads!! Somehow my mom and I remade that dress and it was lovely and beautiful. Nevertheless, I have always dreamed of making clothes for my daughter. So far… not a one. Zip. Ziltch. Nada. Oh, the guilt. Do you feel it?
But, I do love to sew. I love fabric. Don’t get to peruse the fabric stores like I used to but when I do… look out. The theme for the 2011 Philadelphia Flower Show is “Springtime in Paris”. I’m inspired! I bought the cutest, most funky cart thingy the other day that I saw out in someone’s yard. Drove by it going 40 mph one day and retraced my steps a couple of days later only more certain that if it was still there I had to purchase it. (Will photograph it soon and post). Now, LaLa also had dibs on it for her cupcake stand… but that cutie is SO going to Philly with me next year! The cart, not LaLa- actually she’ll be there too. Can’t wait till she is old enough to set up shop with me. What fun.
Back to Monkey Socks. In my quest for fabrics/patterns for my pillows Junebug and I thought a trip to the store would be very productive. I bought lots of fabric. I am SO excited about putting all of these textures/patterns and colors together with my little french themed topiary designs (more to come).
After receiving my Mommy Phd., you would think that when in a store I could deal with a 5 yr old’s love of all things lip gloss related. Now, when I say we are going to get a craft project at the craft store… which one of you thinks that includes lip gloss? Exactly. I want that 5 yr old to make something… with her hands, her heart, her head, her imagination.
For the lip gloss, she is willing to toss, throw away if you will, the Amazing Glitter Glue Package Supreme (with BLACK glitter glue which we have never seen before) AND the Monkey Sock Kitty kit? Are you serious?? Really?? You would throw away all of that glittery stickiness and Monkey Sock love for some craft store lip gloss? Oh, the humanity. We had to have a little pow-wow in the middle of my Parisian fabric cutting fest. It sounded like this; “You will not ruin this little adventure by pouting about not getting lip gloss. I said you could chose a craft project and that is what I meant.” Geez. Junebug and I are in French fabric obliviousness and I keep getting sucked back into parenting reality. Bummer.
We walked out of there with Monkey sock monkey kits and the most amazing set of glitter glue pens that you will ever lay your eyes on… and no lip gloss. Win one for The Mommy!
Note to self… read the packaging. I did not know that these kits were for 12 yr olds who apparently were skilled and competent with sewing machines and whip stitching not to mention french knots and embroidery. Hello!? Junebug and I had a busy day of sewing when we got home. It was perfect. The kiddos stuffed body parts with filler while Junebug and I sewed on limbs and tails. It took so long the kids conceded that their completion could wait until tomorrow. Thanks heavens. However, the Bean just did a dance around the living room in Monkey Sock anticipation for tomorrow. Heaven help me. He’ll be knocking on my door at 7 am to crank up the sewing machine to finish “Monkingson” his Monkey Sock Monkey. LaLa named her Monkey Sock Miss Kitty. Don’t they make the cutest pair? Are you feeling the Monkey Sock love? Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Monkingson and Miss Kitty
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Love them!
By Joanne on 07.22.10 7:12 pm | Permalink
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