I thought it would be fun to show some pictures of the Studio. This corner is where all of the paper work magic happens! My drafting table for all of those little topiary paintings is situated a little further down on the right beneath the windows. One day I’ll get that watercolor hung on the wall! I am thrilled with my office furniture from Ballard Designs. It’s wonderfully functional and sets a beautiful organized tone for the room.
I was aiming for a Belgian linen color on the walls… something neutral that would not influence the color of my paintings. My easel is set up in front of the windows that face south. I’m inspired by the landscape. This is a painting from the studio view. An old school desk sits in the middle of the room. I do all of my pillow fabric cutting on it as well as my larger watercolor paintings.
I’ll try to post some pictures of the rest of the space soon. Thanks for stopping by! : )
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