I’m getting ready for the Allentown Festival this weekend. Shown below are some new paintings/studies that I hope to have framed for the show. Which one is your favorite? They don’t have titles yet… any suggestions?
I’m getting ready for the Allentown Festival this weekend. Shown below are some new paintings/studies that I hope to have framed for the show. Which one is your favorite? They don’t have titles yet… any suggestions?
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I love them all but have a special spot in my heart for the Fire Truck ; ) Annie
By Annie Haven | Authentic Haven Brand on 06.09.11 2:47 pm | Permalink
They are all great! Something about the balls and bat is so appealing, and I love the Autumn scene and the fire truck.
By Rhonda D. on 06.09.11 8:15 pm | Permalink
I know it’s foolish of me to even ask but I can’t help myself. How much is the little red fire engine?
By Gail Richards on 06.10.11 3:07 pm | Permalink
Did you make any prints of that little red fire engine painting?
I hope. I hope. I hope.
By Gail Richards on 06.30.11 11:42 pm | Permalink
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