
Preparing for The Flower Show


It is a crazy time of year here at Michelle Masters Studio! We are in full scale preparations for the Philadelphia International Flower Show Feb. 28th – March 7th. This years’ theme is Passport to the World featuring garden displays from India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Brazil and the United States. In addition to the breathtaking displays, there will be thousands of plant and floral design entries as well as free gardening presentations.

Michelle Masters Topiary Art will be featured in the Marketplace along with 170 other retailers from around the world. I will be manning the booth (#535) all week with my delightful mother. We will be featuring framed art, pillows, stationery, fine linens, marble coasters as well handcrafted soaps and live rosemary and angel vine topiaries. If  you are coming to the show be sure to stop in and say hello. If you have never been… put it on your list of things to do! You will not be disappointed. For more information visit-

6 Comments so far
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I look forward to stopping at your booth again this year. I love my topiary cat notes and want to replenish!

Your blog is lovely. I would think you’d need a pretty wide door to get your horse in the house!

See you on March 1st!

Hello from Central PA! I am looking forward to the flower show and visiting your booth again this year. I love my rabbit bookends! We’ll see you there. I hope you have a successful week!

Hi Darlene- I look forward to seeing you too! I’ve got lots of new designs this year. Be sure to introduce yourself!


Hi Pam! We are here and all is well. The show is beautiful! Be sure to stop in and introduce yourself! I look forward to seeing you-


I visited your booth at the philadelphia flower show today. I love your work. I wish I had seen your blog before I had gone, I would have stopped and said hello. Hope you had great success there.

Hi Teresa! I’m so glad that you stopped in at my booth! Be sure to say hi next time! : ) Where are you located? I was happy to see on your blog that you are in Upstate New York too! I look forward to visiting your blog again in the future!

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Hi, I’m Michelle. I am an artist/designer specializing in unique topiary themed art for the Home & Gardener. I live on a farm in Upstate New York with my husband, two children and a small petting zoo of other family members. #shapeyoursweetestlife



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Upcoming Shows

Philadelphia Flower Show
PA Convention Center
March 5th-13th
Booth #Z-1002

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