
Make hay while the sun shines…

What a beautiful weekend here in Central New York! Big sky. Gentle breeze. Great haying weather. Thankfully. Farmboy cut the field behind the house Thursday evening as the sun was setting. Once its cut… you’re committed.

Ryder reading with Toonces on the deck.

Friday was nice but Saturday was amazing. Farmboy brought over the older tractors to spin out and rake the hay. Ryder drove the tractor that Farmboy learned to drive as a boy. It was monumental and sweet. Having not been raised on a farm, I am fearfully afraid of spinny things and children being around heavy equipment.

Farmboy is a good, patient teacher. : )

La-La got a ride in with her dad.

Oliver is my right-hand man while documenting events.

Farmer Russ (grandpa) and I got the fancy tractor to bale in… complete with an air-conditioner and stereo. For the record, I did not run into anything large and metal. Although I did accidently back over a bale with the baler as I was practicing my backing up (who knew one fell out?). If you have seen me trying to back up my trailer at a show you will understand why I need to practice whenever possible. Parallel parking… no problem. Backing a trailer/implement… shoot me now.


The horses will be happy this winter… a little taste of summer.

The Holidays


This has to be my favorite time of the year. My senses are estatic. The music, the smells, the snow, the lights. What joy. I go back and forth between the present and the past Christmas’ of my childhood. It’s really all good. I had an ideal childhood… until the my parents’ divorce. Apparently it wasn’t that ideal. But, life… it is what it is. And I’m glad. I know that I have been blessed. Perfection and imperfection. It’s okay with me. At least it is today.

I have a strong desire to give my children a healthy investment of tradition, memories, smells, tastes and sounds to fill their present as well as their past when they are old enough to look back. I wonder what shape it will take for them. Hmmm. I hope they remember that they are loved with an everlasting love and that their parents are absolutely crazy about each other. That would make me happy.


Hi, I’m Michelle. I am an artist/designer specializing in unique topiary themed art for the Home & Gardener. I live on a farm in Upstate New York with my husband, two children and a small petting zoo of other family members. #shapeyoursweetestlife



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Philadelphia Flower Show
PA Convention Center
March 5th-13th
Booth #Z-1002

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