
Snow day at the Philadelphia Flower Show

Once again we are getting bombarded with snow here in Philadelphia. This seems to happen every year lately. Hard to believe that Junebug and I have been minding the booth for 12 years! What a gift. It’s so lovely seeing old friends and making new ones. I have the BEST customers. I thought it would be fun to share some photos from the show for those of you who weren’t able to come or would like to know what it is about!

The main entrance garden was alive with color and sounds from the Rainforest. Orchids and tropical flowers took the main stage with bamboo structures and numerous sources of water- including ponds, waterfalls, fountains and rain barrels.

One of my favorite displays was a wooded garden setting for a wedding. It was just lovely and magical!!

Isn’t it just dreamy?? I think there could be gnomes and fairies hiding about. Stop by again tomorrow for highlights of other sections of the show! : )








What’s in Bloom Mid-July

I do love this time of year! The perennials are all in bloom.

There are so many things that I want to blog about! Numerous posts have been started that I can’t wait to finish.

So to kick things off today we’ll have a short stroll through the garden.

IMGP7688I do love Lilies! The soft yellow blooms show up nicely against its dark green foliage.




IMGP7684My absolute favorite color! I wish I knew which Lily this was so that I could order more. As you can see it is rather delicate.

IMGP7675Who doesn’t love a mass planting of daisies?!

IMGP7665IMGP7738Garden Phlox and Liatris make such a statement this time of year.IMGP7748

We can’t forget what is blooming in the potager! A star shaped yellow zucchini/squash blossom. To keep up with the zucchini this year I have a great new recipe! Check it out here.

What is your favorite perennial flowering plant?


Thanks for joining me! Now, let’s get back to work. : )

Surely Spring is Coming…




Flower Power

132 inches (and counting) of snow is too much for this southern girl. I needed a little Flower Power today to get me through February. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

: )  Michelle

Lauren’s Grape poppies

Garden Blooms


Hi, I’m Michelle. I am an artist/designer specializing in unique topiary themed art for the Home & Gardener. I live on a farm in Upstate New York with my husband, two children and a small petting zoo of other family members. #shapeyoursweetestlife



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Upcoming Shows

Philadelphia Flower Show
PA Convention Center
March 5th-13th
Booth #Z-1002

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This blog and all of the creative elements ie., written content, illustrations and photographs are the sole property of Michelle Masters Studio and cannot be reproduced in any form without the artist's permission.
