I had to do it! I know… the KEEP CALM and CARRY ON thing is everywhere these days. Have you seen it? It began as a poster produced by the British government in 1939, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of invasion. Here is more information.
I thought I was a genius to come up with the “Garden On” part – I have a Topiary Crown design for heavens sake! After a quick google search I discovered people were already using the phrase. Phooey. Nevertheless this one is fun and different and makes a great set of notecards for your favorite gardener. I love the dark magenta text- it pulls out the color of the pink geraniums in the urn. On the back the card is titled “From The Queen”. chuckle…
I would seriously love to get one of these in the mail from a fellow gardener! I may have to mail myself one just to be sure! ; ) Click here for more info or to order!