Oh my, what an amazing amount of ground we covered over the past week. From Lake Ontario in New York State to the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana.
22 hours in the car one-way… I thought I would be a blogging fool. Unfortunately, I needed the stars to align and pigs to fly before I could “write” in the car. Oh well. While surfing the web via my laptop in the car (Have I mentioned that I am married to the most amazing IT guy not to mention he’s also a charming and handsome farmer? What more can a girl ask for!)… ok. Back to the story.
While driving through Ohio I was reminded by RoadsideAmerica.com of the unusual topiary garden on the grounds of the Old Deaf School in downtown Columbus. It was listed in their Columbus attractions as Topiary French People. Well, I’ve seen that garden over the years in magazines and I couldn’t wait to see it in person. I love that Farmboy and the kids are always up for a detour.
This amazing garden was created by Columbus sculptor James T. Mason to mimic the famous painting “A Sunday Afternoon On The Ile De La Grande Jatte” (1884-6) by French Impressionist painter Georges Seurat. Farmboy was completely enchanted. The Bean yelled out while running in and out of the figures “It’s like we’re in the painting!”. What a treat and yes, those are my children running around Downtown Columbus in their pajamas. Please don’t call the Board of Parenting Fashion Police. What can I say, we left the house at 4 in the morning… at least they are wearing shoes.
Our timing seemed perfect to view the garden… almost planned. The sun was low in the sky, casting long shadows from the figures and accentuating the detail in their forms. It really was enchanting and I will always delight in the memory of seeing the kids running around the figures as if in a strange shrubby Other World.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michelle Masters, Michelle Masters. Michelle Masters said: New Blog Post… #TopiaryAdventure #Garden https://blog.michellemasters.com/the-columbus-topiary-garden/ […]
By Tweets that mention The Columbus Topiary Garden | Michelle Masters Topiary Art -- Topsy.com on 11.30.10 9:41 pm | Permalink
Hi Michelle – So glad you were able to visit the Park! We love it too.
Your readers can learn more on our website: http://www.topiarygarden.org; or “like” us on Facebook, search The Topiary Park.
Cheers! Stephanie, Co-President, Friends of the Topiary Park
By Stephanie on 12.06.10 7:05 pm | Permalink
Hi Stephanie! Thanks for stopping by and for listing your site… I meant to do that! : ) What a treasure you have there! I was so taken with the charm and scale of the topiary park. A beautiful memory for my family. I will certainly follow The Topiary Park on Facebook to stay up to date with the “happenings” there!
By michelle on 12.08.10 10:11 pm | Permalink