This has to be my favorite time of the year. My senses are estatic. The music, the smells, the snow, the lights. What joy. I go back and forth between the present and the past Christmas’ of my childhood. It’s really all good. I had an ideal childhood… until the my parents’ divorce. Apparently it wasn’t that ideal. But, life… it is what it is. And I’m glad. I know that I have been blessed. Perfection and imperfection. It’s okay with me. At least it is today.
I have a strong desire to give my children a healthy investment of tradition, memories, smells, tastes and sounds to fill their present as well as their past when they are old enough to look back. I wonder what shape it will take for them. Hmmm. I hope they remember that they are loved with an everlasting love and that their parents are absolutely crazy about each other. That would make me happy.
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