Today a shiny gigantic tractor trailer pulled into the farm with a Massey-Ferguson tractor strapped down on the trailer. Farmboy and Farmer Russ were all smiles. The tractor isn’t new per se’ but it is new to us and is in great condition. Isn’t it a beauty?
It drives me crazy when Farmboy and Farmer Russ are shopping for equipment. It seems as though they always have to drive to another state to find what they are looking for. This tractor was found down in Southern Pennsylvania and Farmboy has been anxiously awaiting its arrival so that it can be used for Fall harvesting/planting. The enclosed heated cab is also going to be very cozy when snowblowing the driveway this winter.
Every now and then I have to get into one of the tractors and move it or help with something. I have this innate fear of running into a building when I am behind the wheel. You know, a mental lapse… which one is the clutch?… which one is the brake?… oh no, that’s the gas!…. CRASH! It happens every time I drive a tractor. Not the actual crashing into something… just the overwhelming fear that I will.
The fellow who delivered the tractor was an interesting guy. Originally from Oklahoma now living in PA. Apparently he is like the Jesse James of tractor trailers. His “rig” was all tricked out. A chopper version of an 18 wheeler. Who knew? You could tell he took great pride in fixing up the 20 yr old truck. I was a little concerned about whether or not he could see over the dash board.
Just another day at the farm… ; )
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For some reason this is my favorite post of all. Well almost. The tomato was very good too.
By Lowell Mather on 08.31.10 7:59 pm | Permalink
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