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Welcome to my very first blog post ever! History being made, not unlike a certain famous explorer in 1492, and you’re here to see (read?) it. I’m going to keep it simple today, but have big hopes for the future as I post snippets of life from a growing artist, mother, gardener and business-owner. I hope you will read relevant information to inspire you to plant a garden, plan a dinner party or even cut that overgrown shrub into a funky topiary. It’s all about living more creatively, finding balance and hopefully bumping into some humor along the way.
I am new the blogging community so please bear with me as it may take some time before I can get my training wheels off.
Spoiler Alert! Shameless Plug Coming Fast!
Have you heard the news??? We are offering 15% off your entire order at michellemasters.com to celebrate our newly redesigned site (use code YAY15)! Thanks to Jill at 2dogsdesign.com for the beautiful new look and ease of ordering. She is the best!
So thanks again for visiting. Stop back by to see the back log of new designs just waiting for the stage.