
Slow Food USA- Dig In

Hey, have you heard about Slow Food USA. I like what they stand for… making lunches in schools healthy for children and teaching people about the slow/whole food movement. This weekend they are encouraging folks to participate in a DIG IN. Here’s what it’s all about…

On Saturday, September 25th,  something groundbreaking is happening near you. In Berkeley they’re building a chicken coop, in Chattanooga they’re helping local farmers with their harvest, in Atlanta they’re planting fruit trees at two local schools.

It’s all part of “Dig In” – a day to break ground at gardens and community events, then break bread at the end of the day to celebrate.

Whether it’s building a garden in your local school, helping feed the hungry at a food bank, or pitching in at a backyard harvest, Dig In events will be a fun way to connect with like-minded people in your area – or an excuse for a great day out with your friends!
It could be as small as you and your kids weeding your own garden, or as large as building a school greenhouse (they’re doing it in Missouri!) – the important thing is to celebrate our community and food traditions, and then to sit down at the end of the day together for a great meal.

All over the country on September 25th people will be breaking ground then breaking bread.  It’s part of being a powerful grassroots movement that can bring about the change we want to our entire food system – and have a great time in the process, helping our communities!

So click here to find out what’s already happening in your town, or click here to create your own event.

Farmboy and I have a dinner club event on the 25th so we will not be participating in the Dig In this year but I will plan on it for next year. Check into what is going on in your area! All of the cool kids are doing it!

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Hi, I’m Michelle. I am an artist/designer specializing in unique topiary themed art for the Home & Gardener. I live on a farm in Upstate New York with my husband, two children and a small petting zoo of other family members. #shapeyoursweetestlife



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PA Convention Center
March 5th-13th
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